Friday Hacks #93, April 17
Posted on by Jingwen
For the final Friday Hacks of the semester, we’ll be having Melvin Zhang, lead architect from Cosmiqo International, and Mathieu Feulvarch, senior product architect from MyRepublic. See you!
Date/Time: Friday, April 17 at 7:00pm
Venue: SR3, Town Plaza, UTown
Facebook Event link:
Teleport, an Intelligent Routing Service
Talk description
Teleport is MyRepublic’s intelligent routing service - a hassle-free, device-free and cost-free way of allowing subscribers to experience the Internet it was meant to be enjoyed: smooth and without restrictions. Find out how it was conceptualised and built, and why it remains as the Industry’s most unique offering in its category.
Speaker profile
Mathieu Feulvarch is the Senior Product Architect with MyRepublic and the brain behind Teleport, the ISP’s widely-lauded intelligent routing service. After discovering his passion for programming at the young age of 7, Mathieu has gone on to work in France, the US and now, of course, Singapore - bringing his over 20 years of experience to bear in seeking innovative solutions in the ever-changing Internet landscape.
Functional Programming from First Principles
Talk description
We’ve heard a number of talks this semester on functional programming languages such as Elixir and Scala. These languages are large and complicated, which makes it difficult to understand the essence of functional programming.
Church’s Lambda Calculus is the oldest and simplest possible functional programming language. It has the following syntax:
<var> ::= a | b | ... | z
<exp> ::= <var> | (\<var> <exp>) | (<exp> <exp>)
In this talk, we will explore Church’s Lambda Calculus via a series of demos based on Tromp’s 2012 IOCCC winning entry: // An unobfuscated version of the above is available at and will be used for the demos in this talk.
Speaker profile
Melvin is an avid programmer who enjoys designing and implementing novel algorithms. As the lead architect of Cosmiqo, Melvin is in charge of developing its sensor data aggregation and analytics platform. In his spare time, Melvin works on the AI for Magarena, an open source card game project. Melvin received his B. Comp (Hons) and Ph.D. degrees from NUS School of Computing.